Thursday, September 19, 2024
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Candidates for vice presidency of Argentina will hold a debate

Buenos Aires, Sep 20 (Prensa Latina) The vice presidential candidates from the main political forces in Argentina, will participate in a television debate on topics such as the economy, inflation and work.

The representatives of the parties that will participate in the general elections on October 22nd will also analyze the role of the State, security, defense and justice policy, among other topics.

The debate will be attended by Agustín Rossi (Unión por la Patria, UP); Victoria Villarruel (La Libertad Avanza, LLA); Luis Petri (Juntos por el Cambio, JXC); Florencio Randazzo (Hacemos por Nuestro País, HNP) and Nicolás del Caño (Frente de Izquierda y de Trabajadores Unidad).

According to the final count, in the primary elections on August 13th, LLA (whose proposal for head of state is Javier Milei) obtained 29.86 percent of the votes; Patricia Bullrich, from JxC, obtained 28%, and Sergio Massa, from UP, obtained 27.28%.

In total, 1,356,480 blank ballots and 309,807 invalid ones were registered.

69.62 percent out of a total of 34,491,607 people voted, which means that 10.5 million Argentines did not go to vote.
