Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Congo, Malaysia call in Cuba for greater South-South cooperation

Havana, Sep 16 (Prensa Latina) Representatives of Congo and Malaysia on Saturday urged at the G77+China Summit for a greater South-South cooperation to progress in developing science, technology and innovation.

During the second day of the Summit, Congo´s Foreign Affairs, Francophonie and Congolese Abroad Minister Jean-Claude Gakosso stressed the significance of a new, more balanced and just world order.

Inequalities and injustices of today’s world are unbearable for all peoples, he said, adding that faced with the challenge of the low level of funding for the countries of the Global South, the G77+China must further boost South-South cooperation.

In particular, he referred to science, technology and innovation sectors, which is a pivotal pillar for development and endogenous growth.

The Minister strongly condemned the economic U.S. blockade imposed on Cuba as well as all coercive measures to which the Cuban people are being subjected in flagrant violation of international law.

Gakosso called on Joe Biden´s administration to banish this vestige of the Cold War and to normalize relations with Cuba, a demand the international community has been making for years.

He expressed his country’s brotherly solidarity with the Cuban people, for whom the Congolese feel admiration and affection.

Cuba will bequeath to posterity an admirable lesson of courage, resilience and fidelity, Gakosso stressed.

According to alaysian Foreign Minister Dato’ Seri Diraja Dr. Zambry Abd Kadir, the international community, the United Nations and international financial institutions should strengthen support for the Global South.

In his speech, he said that developing nations really need not only financing, but also technology transfers, technical assistance and, above all, capacity building and human resources to meet the needs of the modern scenario.

He underscored the significance of bridging the digital divide, since all nations need access to technologies and the opportunities that arise from them, so that they can benefit from their socioeconomic potential.

Both diplomats stated the responsibility of developed countries so that the world can make progress on the goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda without leaving anyone behind.
