Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Maduro calls on the G77+China to become a powerful initiatiative

Havana, Sep 15 (Prensa Latina) Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro on Friday called on the Group of 77 and China (G77+China) to become a powerful global initiative within the United Nations, so that unilateral coercive measures cease.

Speaking at the plenary session of the two-day G77+China Summit, held at Havana’s International Conference Center, the Venezuelan head of State pointed out that today we strongly advocate the lifting of the United States’ criminal blockade against Cuba for more than 60 years.

He noted that in the last six years, the Bolivarian Republic has been a victim of more than 950 unilateral coercive measures in all ranges of the economy and society.

Maduro recalled that it was thanks to the support and solidarity of China, India, Cuba, Türkiye and Russia that Venezuela could access medicines, antivirals and vaccines during the most difficult moments of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Enough of the persecution against the people of the world who want their independence and build their own models, the Venezuelan president remarked, and called for the G77+China to raise their voices more strongly, “it must be done much more,” he emphasized.

The Venezuelan president called to promote higher-level practical cooperation in sectors such as education, science and technology, and called on “the brothers who have advanced the most” to contribute with greater support and help.

In that regard, he stated that he was impressed by the progress made during his recent week-long visit to China in all fields of economic and social life.

He added that this meeting is taking place in the epicenter of the resistance of the peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean, Cuba, founded by the great Fidel Castro Ruz, he said.

This is our home, our family, this is the space where we are all equal and no one tries to dominate or plunder, which does not exclude anyone, he stated in reference to the peoples of the South.

The Summit of Heads of State and Government will continue until Saturday under the theme “Current Development Challenges. Role of Science, Technology and Innovation.”
