Monday, September 16, 2024
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Palestine blames US for escalation of Israeli attacks

Ramallah, Sep 5 (Prensa Latina) The Palestinian Government blamed the United States Tuesday for the rise in Israeli crimes in the occupied territories and warned of an escalation of violence in the region.

Presidential Spokesperson Nabil Abu Rudeineh called on Washington to put pressure on its ally.

The White House should not limit itself “to a policy of declarations that do not change anything on the ground,” Rudeineh stressed in a press release.

The spokesperson also criticized the systematic incursions by Israeli security forces into West Bank towns and villages, the latest of which occurred in the Nur Shams refugee camp on Tuesday.

Rudeineh condemned the continued attacks by Jewish settlers against Palestinian civilians in complicity with the Army.

The politician stressed that we would not give up and continue the struggle despite the pressure and warned that peace and security will only be achieved when the Palestinian people receive their legitimate rights.
