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Cuba with 341 athletes classified to Pan American Games

Havana, Aug 31 (Prensa Latina) Cuba has 341 qualified athletes in 29 disciplines for the 2023 Pan American Games in Santiago de Chile, the general director of high performance of the National Sports Institute, José Antonio Miranda, announced today.

As published by the weekly Jit in its online edition, Miranda clarified that the Antillean nation pre-registered the delegation last week with the organizing committee of the fair, to be held from October 20 to November 5, and reduced a long list of more than a thousand athletes to about 600.

So far, only confirmations remain from representatives of athletics, tennis and artistic swimming, the latter has the possibility of participating with the team after the decline of Aruba.

With this figure, the Cuban delegation would have 350 to 360 athletes in the continental competition, lower than the Lima 2019 edition, when they obtained 420 places.

According to the manager, the organizers of the Chilean fair already have the headquarters ready to host the continent’s sports family, after verifying their conditions in a recent visit to the main facilities.

Regarding the objectives of Cuba, he stressed the fulfillment of the proposed purposes and forecasts, the evaluation of the sports reserve and the achievement of qualifications towards the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

Regarding the competitive results, he explained that the analyses continue at the level of technical groups in each sport.

Then will come the evaluations in the technical-methodological direction and finally in the advisory group for high performance to make a real forecast of the possibilities of the delegation.

Miranda also explained that 18 sports will grant tickets to Paris 2024 and another 11 will offer the possibility of making marks and adding scores for the classification rankings, and among them boxing and shooting stood out.

In the Chilean event, 425 tests will be held, 23 of those open, six mixed and 198 in each sex.
