Saturday, September 07, 2024
name of Prensa Latina
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name of Prensa Latina



Cuban province focuses on new hydrometeorological event

Pinar del Río, Cuba, Aug 26 (Prensa Latina) The western Cuban province of Pinar del Río is attentive to the new hydro-meteorological event that, according to experts, will impact this territory in the next few hours.

The member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and first secretary of the political organization, Yamilé Ramos, insisted on the essentials of being informed and acting with discipline and responsibility in the face of the new challenge that nature imposes on a region, which was devastated by Hurricane Ian in September 2022.

She stressed that the accumulated experience has to guide each action that will always prioritize the protection of human lives.

Representatives from the Institute of Hydraulic Resources confirmed that the dams throughout the region are at 57 percent of their capacity. Only one dam is pouring, and the monitoring has been activated despite the good technical conditions of the dams.

As on previous occasions, the distribution of food and the raw material used in the preparation of bread is expedited while the supply of water to the population is checked.

Public Health directors confirmed the immediate departure of surgical medical brigades to places of possible isolation and the distribution of chlorine tablets for drinking water.

Likewise, the vacationers staying in the popular camping facilities are evacuated and the conditions of protection of foreign tourists who visit municipalities in the province are checked.

Agriculture ordered the protection of the tobacco harvests in the previous campaign and the collection of root vegetables and vegetables for their use together with the protection of the seed that will guarantee the sowings of the winter stage, which is about to start.

Local media readjusted their programming to keep the population informed about the development of the new hydrometeorological event.
