Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Dominican President supervises work in flooded zone

Santo Domingo, Aug 25 (Prensa Latina) Dominican President Luis Abinader supervised on Friday the work of channeling and cleaning up “Las 800” canyon in “Los Rios” sector belonging to the National District.

Abinader said that such cleaning will benefit over 12,000 inhabitants, who will have less sanitary and contamination risks, improving their quality of life, the Presidency website reported.

On Friday, the head of State pointed out that thousands of people will enhance their living conditions from the repairs of over 40 kilometers.

The president further pointed out that his administration has been aimed at adopting measures from the beginning, so that these popular and marginalized groups do not suffer flooding and losses of lives as happened in the past.

This week, hours earlier the passage of Franklin tropical storm across the national territory, Diario Libre issued that in Las 800 neighborhood, its inhabitants were prepared for the heavy rains although with fear.

Abinader recalled that upon his arrival to the government, there were just six kilometers of canyons intervened and up to date 11 kilometers of the 42 kilometers planned have already been completed.
