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Ecuador’s right-wing forces support candidate Noboa

Quito, Aug 25 (Prensa Latina) Right-wing forces in Ecuador support today presidential candidate Daniel Noboa, who came in second in last Sunday's elections and will dispute the position in a runoff against Luisa Gonzalez, of the Citizen Revolution.

The Social Christian Party (PSC) issued a statement, in which it announced its support to Noboa, sponsored by the National Democratic Action (ADN) alliance.

According to the PSC, there are several coincidences between the young businessman’s proposals and theirs, promoted by the candidate to the Executive Jan Topic, who barely got around 14 percent of the votes.

Among these points in common, the PSC mentions the fight against insecurity ‘with an iron fist’ and the defense of a market economy.

At the same time, in the document, it pointed out that it has no coincidences with the socialism ‘of any century’ and that, therefore, it will not support Gonzalez, who obtained the highest number of votes in the first round.

In addition to the PSC and Topic, who also pronounced himself in favor of Noboa, other former candidates to the Executive such as Christian Zurita, replacement of the murdered Fernando Villavicencio and came third, are evaluating to explicitly manifest their support to him.

Next October 15, Ecuador will return to the polls to choose the successor of Guillermo Lasso between Gonzalez or Noboa.
