Thursday, September 19, 2024
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More days without homicides in El Salvador

San Salvador, Aug 22 (Prensa Latina) Authorities in El Salvador reported 12 days have passed in August without homicides attributable to gangs.

Data provided by the National Civil Police (PNC) in the early hours of Tuesday morning confirm the statistics, increased after reports of zero deaths nationwide on August 21 due to violence. So far in 2023, authorities have reported 161 days without deaths caused by violence nationwide, which some sources attribute to the effectiveness of the strategies implemented by the current government of President Nayib Bukele in terms of security matters, which achieved 431 days without murders in the nation.

During this time, 317 days were under the exception regime approved on March 27, 2022, and in force in El Salvador after being extended every month since that date, thus allowing authorities to arrest more than 70,000 alleged gang members.
