Saturday, September 07, 2024
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DPRK rejects US “human rights” argument to attack it

Pyongyang, Aug 16 (Prensa Latina) The KCNA news agency reported today that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) rejected the U.S. actions at the United Nations to attack it under the false argument that it violates human rights.

Kim Son Gyong, deputy foreign minister in charge of international organizations, made the denunciation in a statement.

The member states of the UN Security Council should know that Washington’s intentions have nothing to do with the universal conception of human rights protection and only pursue its geopolitical and hegemonic goals, the document states.

The DPRK categorically rejects this despicable campaign because it violates the principle of the Security Council not to politicize the issue of human rights and the principle of preserving international peace and security, and because it constitutes a serious attack on the dignity and sovereignty of the DPRK, he said.

The official maintained that, in any case, it would be the United States that should sit in the dock for its racist practices, mistreatment of children, crimes associated with firearms and subjection to forced labor.

As if that were not enough, he added, it instigates instability and unrest in other countries when it tries to impose its own unethical human rights standards on them.
