Friday, September 20, 2024
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Customs officers maintain conflict with the government in Uruguay

Montevideo, Aug 14 (Prensa Latina) Uruguayan customs officers are still in conflict with the government today and are anticipating unexpected measures that will affect foreign trade this week.

The Association of Customs Officials (AFA) paralyzed foreign trade for several hours last Friday night and announced more actions that will affect operations at the Carrasco International Airport and at Uruguayan ports.

The customs officers are demanding better working conditions in accordance with the regulations, such as the payment of night work under the Civil Servants Statute, compensation of salaries for surveillance tasks, promotion competitions and respect for the administrative career, personnel entrance, salary adjustment and reduction of the working day.

Valdivieso described the negotiations between the AFA and the National Customs Directorate as “the emporium of good intentions, but so far nothing has materialized”.

“The signals are very poor, we are giving in as a union,” he said and demanded answers from the government.

The union leader did not rule out joint actions with the Argentine customs workers, but he bet on understanding solving the conflict.
