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Teatro Andante joins community art in a Cuban event Teasur

Isla de la Juventud, Cuba, Aug 10 (Prensa Latina) The Teatro Andante group will exhibit its scenic art at the Teasur event, which will run until August 12 on the Isle of Youth, a territory in the south of the Cuban archipelago, reported today the Cubaescena Portal.

The format, originally from the eastern province of Granma, will be presented for the first time in this region with the works Cantar a Teresita, El modelo and Faro, the latter produced in 2023.

The Toronjita Dora theater room will host the performances of the puppeteer concert Cantar a Teresita in the morning, at night the population of Santa Fe will enjoy Faro, while the model will travel to various communities.

With more than three decades of foundation, the company arrives to the Isla de la Juventud after successful presentations at the IV Havana Puppet Show: Figures between Cobblestones, which took place from August 3 to 6 in Havana.

The group, about to celebrate a new anniversary, carries out extensive work that includes community work, with children, acting training in the specialties of acting and acting with puppets, as well as the Perro Huevero Cultural Project.

Teatro Andante will show in this contest the magic of street theater, the close relationship with the public and the renewal of its cast with the incorporation of three girls who graduated last year with excellent results.

Teasur’s priority is to benefit community spaces and constitutes a recreational option in the summer that allows its inhabitants to enjoy the performances of clowns, oral storytellers and entertainment by the groups Camarcó, Teatro Isla Joven (Tijo), La Carreta de los Pantoja and The Grotto.

As reported by the Cuban News Agency, artists integrated into five brigades share the best of their repertoire in 52 of the 63 population settlements on the island.
