Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Ecuador has become a failed state, Correa said

Quito, Aug 10 (Prensa Latina) Former Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa condemned the murder of presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio and said that the South American country has become a failed state.

“The homeland is hurting. My solidarity with his family and with all the families of the victims of violence. Those who seek to sow even more hatred with this new tragedy, I hope they understand that it only continues to destroy us,” Correa wrote on his social media.

The attack the day before against the politician, who was seeking the presidency under the auspices of the Construye movement, shocked the entire nation.

Militants of that organization mobilized during Wednesday night in several provinces and demanded justice.

In videos circulating in social media, some went so far as to blame Correa and his allies for what happened, even though there is no evidence of such incrimination.

The murder seeks to delegitimize an election that the right wing had lost, economist and analyst David Villamar said in reference to the possible victory of Correa’s Citizen Revolution movement in the presidential and legislative elections of August 20.
