Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Anxiety, depression are not cancer risk factors

Washington, Aug 8 (Prensa Latina) The association between depression, anxiety and cancer risk has been a point of contention in scientific circles. In a new study a multi-national team refutes the idea that these mental health conditions are linked to most types of cancer.

They found only a slight correlation with lung and smoking-related cancers, which was significantly reduced after controlling for lifestyle factors. This suggests that unhealthy behaviors associated with anxiety or depression, like smoking, could be the real drivers of increased risk.

This suggests the importance of addressing unhealthy behaviors potentially arising from mental health conditions in the context of cancer risk.

“Our results may come as a relief to many patients with cancer who believe their diagnosis is attributed to previous anxiety or depression,” the American Cancer Society experts stressed.

Depression is an illness characterized by persistent sadness and loss of interest in activities normally enjoyed, as well as an inability to carry out daily activities.

Anxiety, on the other hand, is a feeling of fear, dread and uneasiness, and may cause the individual to sweat, feel restless, tense, and have heart beating.
