Monday, September 16, 2024
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French solidarity association marks anniversary of working with Cuba

Paris, Aug 6 (Prensa Latina) The French association Cuba Linda celebrates its 25th anniversary "with the pride of accompanying Cuba, its people and its Revolution, and helping (others) know their reality," the president of the association Didier Lalande said.

In statements to Prensa Latina on the occasion of the anniversary, he specified that many French have traveled to Cuba since the foundation of the organization in 1998, either individually, in groups, or in families, in an approach to a people that has been resisting the aggressiveness of the United States for more than six decades.

According to Lalande, from the beginning they were clear about the questioning of the lies and manipulations that are told by the Western media about the reality of Cuba, and the question of why a hospitable, happy and supportive people have to suffer a criminal economic war.

Lalande insisted that through Cuba Linda, French people of different opinions and ideological positions have approached Cuba, under the vision that “you are not told about Cuba, you experience it.”

“(…) this is how we have worked all this time, with the goals of encouraging the French to know Cuba, its history, its beauty and its truth, and at the same time supporting it in the face of its challenges,” he stressed.

“(…) The trips constitute a part of our work, which has included an open solidarity front to aid the Cuban people in their struggles, such as the condemnation of the US blockade, the release of the five heroes, or support during the Covid-19 pandemic”, he told Prensa Latina.

Cuba Linda has demanded the delivery of the Nobel Peace Prize to the medical brigades of the Henry Reeve Contingent and contributed more than a million syringes for vaccination against the SARS-CoV-2 as part of its campaigns in recent years.

For Lalande, the road traveled together with Cuba generates pride, but at the same time commitment, because much remains to be done to help it face the US aggression and its consequences.
