Saturday, September 07, 2024
name of Prensa Latina
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Homicide rate increases in Haiti, organization reports

Port-au-Prince, Aug 4 (Prensa Latina) The Citizen's Organization for a New Haiti (OCNH) recorded 82 homicides in July, an increase of 44 percent in contrast to the previous month.

The platform reported an upsurge in violence, especially in the metropolitan area of this capital, as well as in the Artibonite department, regions where a police officer, eight women and two children were killed.

It also reported an increase in kidnappings and acts of violence perpetrated by armed gangs that operate in these areas.

In recent months, the organization had recorded a decrease in such cases, which experts linked to the Bwa Kale citizen operation, responsible for lynching more than 200 alleged gang members since late April.

Despite a significant decrease in the citizen movement in recent weeks, the human rights organization warned that, during the said period, nine cases of lynching were registered.

In view of this situation, OCNH Executive Director Camille Occius called on the Government to take appropriate measures and strategies to restore security in the country, which will allow citizens to go about their daily lives without fear.

She recalled that political, social and economic stability is fundamental to the progress of any society.
