Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Ships of the Russian Black Sea Fleet repel Ukrainian attack

Moscow, Aug 1 (Prensa Latina) The Black Sea Fleet corvettes Sergei Kotov and Vasily Bykov repelled an attack by three Ukrainian unmanned boats, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported.

“Tonight, the armed forces of Ukraine launched an unsuccessful attack using three sea unmanned boats to attack the patrol ships Sergei Kotov and Vasily Bykov of the Black Sea Fleet, which were performing tasks of controlling navigation in the southwestern part of the Black Sea, 340 kilometers southwest of Sevastopol,” the Ministry stated on its Telegram channel.

All three enemy boats were destroyed by the Russian ships. The attacked vessels “continue to conduct their assigned tasks”, the Ministry added.

On July 25, the Defense Ministry reported an unsuccessful attack by the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the Black Sea Fleet patrol vessel Sergei Kotov using two sea-borne unmanned drones. The ship repelled the attack and destroyed both drones.
