As part of the homage to the man who is venerated by popular sectors for the deed that allowed in 1977 the signing of the so-called Torrijos-Carter Treaties on the return of the Canal in 1999, until then in the hands of the United States, followers of his doctrine carried out a pilgrimage to the mausoleum that keeps his mortal remains.
The participants, most of them members of the Foundation that bears his name and close collaborators, accompanied the son of the military leader, former President Martin Torrijos (2004-2009), now presidential candidate for the general elections of 2024 for the Popular Party.
In the wreath laying ceremony, the central speaker Felix Moulanier, pointed out that they honor the memory of the most lucid and unrepeatable Panamanian ever born, of the leader who did not want to enter history, because history made him part of it.