Saturday, September 07, 2024
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AMCRP caravan condemns U.S. blockade against Cuba

Panama City, Jul 30 (Prensa Latina) A peaceful caravan organized by the Asociación Martiana de Cubanos Residentes en Panamá (AMCRP) will tour across main streets in order to condemn the U.S. blockade against Cuba.

Since its first edition in March 2021, the 11th caravan will call for the end to the economic, commercial and financial blockade, which on this occasion is also part of the commemorative program for the 70th anniversary of Cuba´s National Rebellion Day (July 26, 1953).

The caravan’s coordinator Humberto Pérez told Prensa Latina that, as tradition, the caravan will start from the University of Panama and end at the emblematic Belisario Porras Park.

The caravan and the rally will be attended by national members of solidarity groups and popular organizations as well as members of the state mission.

Pérez also stressed AMCRP is promoting other initiatives including sending containers of medical supplies to Cuba in order to contribute to the country´s health system.
