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African Union sixth Economic Specialized Technical Committee ends

Addis Ababa, Jul 21 (Prensa Latina) The sixth Specialized Technical Committee (STC) on Finance, Monetary Affairs, Economic Planning and Integration of the African Union (AU), which took place in Nairobi, Kenya, came to an end, offering recommendations on investment, sustainable growth and shared prosperity.

The meeting was held under the theme “Africa Beyond the Crisis: Developing an Agenda for Investment, Sustainable Growth and Shared Prosperity”, and provided an opportunity for AU Member States to focus on their priorities to attract more investment so as to achieve socio-economic transformation.

The STC is considered the main event of the African ministers responsible for finance, economy, planning, integration and economic development, and the governors of the central banks, and is in charge of monitoring the implementation of the integration agenda of the continent.

The high-level ministerial panel took place on Thursday, and addressed issues related to taking advantage of the new regional investment landscape for the sustainable development of Africa and policies that strengthen economic transformation, and how the structural challenges within the Global Financial Architecture impact the African economy, as published by the AU on Twitter.

Some of the questions discussed during the event were what Africa can do to increase investment from 20 percent of the Gross Domestic Product to 40 percent and how to boost intra-African and private investment.

AU Trade and Industry Commissioner Albert Muchanga and the African Stock Exchanges Association signed a memorandum of understanding to promote the development of the continent’s capital markets.
