Saturday, September 07, 2024
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UK violates Argentina’s territorial integrity, says FM Cafiero

Buenos Aires, Jul 20 (Prensa Latina) UK has been violating Argentina's territorial integrity for 190 years, Argentina's Foreign Minsiter Santiago Cafiero said as questioned statements on the Malvinas Islands by UK Foreign Minister James Cleverly.

On Twitter, Minister Cleverly lashed out at an statement said by European Union (EU) and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) recognizing the significance of talks and respect for international law in the peaceful settlement of disputes.

We also double down on purposes and principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations (UN), including the sovereign equality of States and respect for their territorial integrity.

Cafiero also questioned Cleverly’s statements about a vote held in 2013 on the status of the Malvinas Islands which was not recognized by the UN.

I remind you that, according to the UNGA Resolution 1514, self-determination is not applicable to inhabitants of Malvinas, Cafiero live-tweeted.

The so-called “referendum” has no value in international law, modify what has been set by over 50 UN resolutions or the UK obligation to put an end to colonialism and to solve the dispute peacefully, he added.
