Friday, September 20, 2024
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Palestinian leader condemns new Israeli crime

Ramallah, Jul 20 (Prensa Latina) The president of the Palestinian National Council, Rawhi Fattouh, accused Israel of committing systematic crimes in the occupied territories and condemned the death of a young man by Israeli fire in the northern West Bank.

Fattouh issued a statement describing as a heinous crime the execution of 19-year-old Bader al-Masri, who was shot to death during an Israeli assault on the city of Nablus, in the north of the occupied West Bank.

Masri’s death reflects the aggressive and fascist behavior of Benjamin Netanyahu’s right-wing government, Fattouh stressed, and assured that the systematic Israeli violations “will be faced with more resistance and firmness from our people.”

The Palestinian leader called on the international community to end its silence in the face of Israel’s continued violations and adopt practical measures such as sanctions and a boycott of Israel.

This morning a large number of soldiers stormed the eastern part of Nablus to protect the settlers visiting the Tomb of Joseph, where tradition sustains that the biblical patriarch is buried.

The site is a continuous source of tension and confrontations due to the systemic visits by settlers and haredim (ultra-Orthodox Jews), which the Palestinians consider a provocation as it is located on their land.
