Thursday, September 19, 2024
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name of Prensa Latina



Cuba participates in event prior to Medicine Congress in Argentina

Buenos Aires, Jul 17 (Prensa Latina) Cuban professors and experts will participate in the session prior to the 17th Latin American Congress of Social Medicine and Collective Health, to be inaugurated on Tuesday in Buenos Aires and slated to run until next July 21st.

During the event, the members of the Cuban delegation will present Cuba’s experience in the sector and its international projection.

The rector of the Latin American School of Medicine, Yoandra Muro, is participating this afternoon in a discussion on the training of professionals and the results of the Latin American School, which has more than 30,000 graduates from 120 countries.

Members of the Argentine Association of Graduates in Cuba will also attend the event.

The Congress has among its objectives the analysis and exchange of knowledge for the implementation of collective and institutional initiatives that make it possible to achieve the effective right to health and life. It also brings together organizations, social movements, institutions, professionals, students and workers from the region. The central theme of the event is “Syndemic, reconfiguration of the world and the fight for good living.”

There will be magisterial conferences, dialogue tables, presentation of papers and books, workshops and meetings.

The term “syndemic” is used to refer to the coexistence of two or more epidemics or disease outbreaks, which are conditioned by the social, political, and economic circumstances of a population.
