Monday, September 16, 2024
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Cubans in Ecuador prepare donation of medical supplies to Cuba

Quito, Jul 14 (Prensa Latina) The Association of Cuban Residents in Ecuador (Acure) is preparing a donation of medical supplies to Cuba, as a way to help in the light of the United States blockade.

The shipment consists of 600 catheters, 600 venoclysis kits and 2,300 doses of paracetamol, the Acure announced on its Facebook account.

Organization member Kenia Echemendía told Prensa Latina that the shipment should take place in the next few days and the final destination of these products would be the Calixto García Hospital in Havana, although the Ministry of Public Health could indicate another place more needed.

This is a small contribution, thanks to friendly hands that cooperate out of love with Cuba, the Cuban activist, who lives in Ecuador, said.

She regretted the delays to carry out the transfer because there are no direct flights between Cuba and Ecuador and it is necessary to look for alternatives so that those supplies, so necessary right now, arrive as soon as possible at one of Cuba’s health centers.

We are aware of the existing limitations as a consequence of the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by Washington and this is our way to help our compatriots and our loved ones,” Echemendía noted.
