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Report to be presented on Trump’s confessions against Venezuela

Caracas, Jul 13 (Prensa Latina) The Special Commission that will identify the scope and responsibilities of the confessions of former U.S. President Donald Trump against Venezuela will present a preliminary report to the National Assembly (Parliament) next week, it was informed here today.

This group, created last month, will also show the list of citizens and organizations responsible for violating the national legal order, announced its president Pedro Infante.

The deputy explained the day before, during a working session, that the commission will prepare a file with evidence and arguments organized in chronological order, with the actions and unilateral coercive measures promoted against Venezuela by the government of the United States.

Infante pointed out that the document will contain, above all, the sanctions imposed by the administration of Donald Trump (2017-2021), who in a public speech confessed his crimes against the South American nation.

At an event in North Carolina, the former US president declared last June 11 that when he concluded his term in office, the Bolivarian Republic “was about to collapse”.

“We would have taken it over, and we would have gotten all that oil. But now we are buying it from Venezuela, making a dictator rich”, he pointed out.

The also first vice-president of the Parliament denounced that natural and juridical persons violated the Constitution, the Criminal Code, the Organic Law of Extinction of Dominion, and the Law for the Protection of Assets, Rights and Interests of the Republic and its Entities Abroad.

Likewise, he said, the Organic Law against Organized Crime and Financing of Terrorism, among other regulations.

He stated that the objective is to promote a debate of the people with the institutions of the Venezuelan State, including the Attorney General’s Office, the Prosecutor’s Office, the Supreme Court of Justice, the People’s Defender Office and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, among others.

Infante declared last Thursday that the commission he presides will evaluate whether to propose legal actions against Trump before the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity, as well as studying the possibility of taking the case to the United Nations and the parliaments of the world.

Referring to the Venezuelans who participated in actions against the country, the legislator pointed out that they will have to show their faces and announced that they will be punished according to the Constitution and the Penal Code, for treason and other crimes, according to the Parliament’s website.

Trump’s statements were repudiated by the authorities, the United Socialist Party and the people in general, who considered these declarations as the true intentions of the tycoon regarding the South American nation.
