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Russia reiterates cooperation with any president elected in Lebanon

Beirut, Jul 10 (Prensa Latina) Russian Ambassador to Lebanon Alexander Rudakov on Monday reiterated his country's willingness to cooperate constructively with any president elected here.

In an interview for the local channel Al Manar, the diplomat repeated Russia’s commitment to the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states, in the context of the power vacuum in Lebanon.

Rudakov emphasized maintaining close contacts with the leaders of all political forces, and in this regard, he stressed the need to maintain a balance of interests among them without marginalizing anyone.

On relations with Hezbollah, the diplomat said that his country considers the Islamic Resistance Movement an integral part of the Lebanese society, as a national political bloc expressing the interests of a large part of the population.

Incidentally, the Russian representative in Beirut pointed out that the party has traditionally enjoyed a strong representation in the Parliament and in the Government.
