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Ecuador’s Citizen Revolution continues to lead electoral polls

Quito, Jul 4 (Prensa Latina) The candidate for the Presidency of Ecuador for the Citizen Revolution movement (RC), Luisa Gonzalez, continues to lead the polls today ahead of the early elections on August 20.

According to the company Negocios y Estrategias, directed by public opinion researcher Iván Sierra, the initial situation is positive for the CR candidate, with 41 percent of the vote intention in her favor.

The study was applied between June 22 and 26 in eight provinces of greater population in the coast, highlands and east of the Andean country, equivalent to 70 percent of the electoral roll.

According to the survey, candidates Otto Sonnenholzner, with 11 percent and Yaku Perez with 10 percent, are competing for second place in support at the polls.

However, the survey reflected that 38 percent of the sample used showed indecision, which represents a challenge and an opportunity for all candidacies, according to analyst Sierra.

Likewise, the poll detailed that Sonnenholzner and Perez are the best known candidates, although Gonzalez has the best ratio between positive and negative opinions.
