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Lebanon denounces Israel’s violation of UN resolution

Beirut, Jul 4 (Prensa Latina) The Lebanese Foreign Ministry denounced Israel's violation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701 by preventing its citizens from entering the village of Ghajar and trying to annex it.

The ministry follows up on the new reality on the ground on the border and called on concerned international parties to pressure Israel to return from its provocative steps in favor of peace, security and stability in the region.

In a statement on its Twitter account, Lebanese diplomacy held the Israeli Government responsible for any escalation that may occur as a result of these serious violations of stability and the status quo.

At the same time, it reaffirmed Lebanon’s respect for and commitment to all provisions of UNSCR 1701, and its desire to preserve the state of relative calm enjoyed by the south of the nation.

In this context, the Lebanese Foreign Ministry announced a forthcoming meeting with the command of the United Nations Interim Force (Unifil), which has been deployed here since 1978.
