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Cuban Vice Foreign Minister starts work program in Azerbaijan

Baku, Jul 2 (Prensa Latina) The first deputy minister of Foreign Affairs of Cuba, Gerardo Peñalver, who heads his country's delegation to the Ministerial Meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement, began his work program in Azerbaijan, Prensa Latina learned today.

Peñalver, who is also the Permanent Representative of Cuba to the United Nations Organization, began his activities in the Azerbaijani capital with a visit to the Museum of Miniature Books.

During his stay at the museum, the diplomat was received by the founder and director, Zarifa Salajova, who was decorated last year, by the vice president of the Cuban Parliament, Ana María Mari, with the commemorative stamp “60th Anniversary of the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples”.

In the central display case of the institution, Peñalver was able to appreciate copies of Fidel Castro’s biography and his work “History will absolve me”, in this unique format, as well as other texts dedicated to the Caribbean nation.

Salajova, who is a long-time friend of Cuba, has expressed her devotion to the historical leader of the Revolution in the largest of the Antilles on many occasions and this is a new tribute to her life and work.

The Museum of Miniature Books, was founded on April 23, 2002, it has eight thousand 887 miniature books published in 83 countries that are collected in 39 showcases.

Located in the historic center of Baku, the Museum is a cultural institution, the only one of its kind in the world, and has received 70,648 foreign visitors since its creation. In 2015 it was awarded the Guinness Record as the largest museum of its kind in the world.

The Cuban ambassador Carlos Valdés de la Concepción accompanied Peñalver during the tour of the institution and participated in the pleasant conversation that the vice chancellor had with Salajova.
