Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Indigenous agenda out of the electoral debate in Guatemala

Guatemala City, Jun 20 (Prensa Latina) The peasant and indigenous agenda is absent from the political debate for the upcoming elections in Guatemala, as was denounced by the platform called "For the Defense of Land and Territory".

We demand that the candidates prioritize in their government plans a solution to the agrarian conflict in the country, the group said in a statement, also signed by various civil society organizations.

In these elections, “let’s vote for the right to land and agrarian justice”,is alos the request of the International Land Coalition for Latin America and the Caribbean and the global campaign Land Rights Now.

According to the Platform, the 2023 general election has been tainted by the arbitrary suspension of candidates, which is a reflection of the fragile democracy and has called into question the independence of electoral institutions.

It described as outrageous the manifest disregard for the lives of the peasant and indigenous population in this nation.

The rates of poverty, inequality and repression in the countryside have worsened, “reflecting a permanent state of insecurity over land and aggressions against peasant communities and indigenous peoples in their territories”, they remarked in the text.
