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Chinese president congrats Diaz-Canel, highlights relations with Cuba

Beijing, Apr 20 (Prensa Latina) Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday welcomed the reelection of his Cuban counterpart, Miguel Diaz-Canel, highlighted the importance he attaches to bilateral relations, and expressed his willingness to strengthen them at the government and party levels.

In his letter, the Chinese head of State referred to the high level and ongoing progress of relations between Beijing and Havana, and described Diaz-Canel’s visit to Beijing in November 2022 as successful.

“We reached major consensus on further deepening the China-Cuba special friendship in the new era,” Xi said.

He expressed his willingness to maintain close communication with the Cuban president and strengthen the political leadership and relations between the two parties and countries.

With his message, Xi joined other world leaders in welcoming the decision adopted by Cuba’s National People’s Power Assembly (Parliament) on Wednesday to ratify Diaz-Canel as president, and Salvador Valdes as vice president, for five other years.

Cuba’s National Electoral Council President Alina Balseiro informed that all 462 lawmakers present at the session exercised their right to vote.
