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WHO calls to avoid loss of future generation in Syria

Geneva, Feb 15 (Prensa Latina) WHO´s Regional Director for the Eastern Mediterranean region Ahmed Al Mandhari on Wednesday called for help to avoid the loss of future generation among young Syrians given multiple crises affecting the country.

Following a recent visit to the Syrian city of Aleppo, Al Mandhari said the devastating impact of a 12-year civil war was compounded by the two earthquakes on February 6, where tens of thousands dead and millions more in need of help on both sides of the Türkiye border were reported.

The tremors came at a time when situations in Syria peaked since the conflict began, which had already crippled nearly 50% of the country’s healthcare facilities, and now destroyed more essential medical equipment.

Al Mandhari stated many health personnel had already left the country because of the war, and those who remained in the country have had a terrible time doing their jobs.

WHO estimates that some 26 million Syrian people are being affected by the earthquakes and, for example, in Aleppo, initial figures indicate that over 200,000 people have been left homeless, living outdoors in the cold.

UN entities have been present on the ground since first one, and managed to hand over medical material to 16 hospitals in northwest Syria.
