In a time horizon set in the year 3000, Mindy has a hunchback, a shrunken neck, a clawed hand, a right-angled elbow, a second inner eyelid, a thicker skull and a smaller brain.
Toll Free Fordawing, an international telecom company behind the project, claimed it used research and expert views in its development, but did not take into account other possible evolutionary factors, making it somewhere between science and fiction.
Mindy’s back and neck are inclined towards her chest, the typical way we sit and stand, and the fact of looking down at our cell phone or up at the computer screen, and would be a development of what is already called technological neck and is defined in the scientific literature.
Mindy’s hypothetical arm reveals significant anatomical changes, directly caused by the use of a smartphone: claw hand and 90-degree elbow, which would arise from constantly holding cell phone in hand by curling fingers in an unnatural position for long periods of time and by keeping the elbow bent.
The 3D model also refers to studies on radiation released by cell phones and possible adverse effects (not yet scientifically confirmed) on memory development, and ventures that humans would protect themselves by developing a thicker skull.
Another detail that Mindy predicts is how the human body would adapt to counteract headache or visual fatigue caused by the use of such technologies.