Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Reconciliation continues in three Syrian provinces

Damascus, Oct 25 (Prensa Latina) Syrian judicial and military authorities recently launched three initiatives to push forward reconciliation in Hama, Damascus countryside, and Sweida provinces.

According to the officials supervising these process, hundreds of military fugitives or deserters surrendered to those centers, where they have been pardoned and were given six months to rejoin the army. At least 750 people also benefited from this process in central Hama province while hundreds of young men went to the center in the Eastern Ghouta region, east of Damascus, to normalize their legal status.

According to figures announced by Damascus, about 50,000 armed men and deserters were pardoned after joining the reconciliation process in Deir Ezzor, Raqa, Aleppo, and Dara’a provinces.

The initiative proposed by the Government includes granting amnesty to the armed men who lay down their arms and deserters who surrender to the judicial and military authorities and then rejoin the army.
