Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Colombians launch solidarity campaign for Cuba after Hurricane Ian

Bogota, Sep 30 (Prensa Latina) The Colombian Movement of Solidarity with Cuba (MCSC) on Friday launched a campaign to support the Cuban people affected by Hurricane Ian.

“Join solidarity with Cuba. U.S. blockade is the most devastating hurricane to hit Cuba for over 60 years”, according to MCSC’s initiative.

MCSC set up a bank account in the BBVA Bank for those who wish to contribute financially. A similar bank operation was conducted during recent explosion at the Matanzas oil terminal.

Hurricane Ian, category three, made landfall in Cuba on September 27 and crossed the country from south to north along its western tip.

In its path, with heavy rains and winds gusting over 200 km/h, it killed two Pinar del Río residents, leaving a trail of damage to Cuba´ power grid, partial and total collapse of houses and state structures, downed trees and damage to agriculture.

Solidarity groups and governments worldwide had expressed their support to the Cuban people and government for the recovery.
