In thisedition of themonth of September, TheHavanaReporterhighlightstheendlesseffortsmadetoextinguishthehugefire at the Matanzas provinceSupertanker Base, in thecountry’swest, withthehelp of Mexican and Venezuelanexperts and equipment, in additiontothe tribute paidtothosewhodied as a result of thefire and thesolidarityreceivedbythe Cuban peopleitself and theinternationalcommunity.
Thisissuealsoincludestopicsonthegovernment’sdecisiontostart a foreigncurrencyexchangemarket, as well as ontheimport and exportauthorizationtoalleconomicsectors of the country and thecomplexenergysituation Cuba faces, which has worsened as a result of the U.S. blockade, anactionthathinderstheacquisition of both fuel and thesparepartsneededtoconductmaintenance in thermoelectricplants.
Preparationsforthe vote onthe new FamilyCode, at theend of September; celebrationsonthe 55th anniversary of therenownedCohibacigars; theforthcomingBrazilianelections, and other cultural, tourist and sport topics, are alsoincluded in thepresentissue.