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Mexico still waiting for US to decide future of Americas’ Summit

México, Cumbre Américas, EEUU
Mexico City, Jun 4 (Prensa Latina) Forty-eight hours before the start of the Summit of the Americas, Mexico is still waiting for what the government of President Joe Biden decides on its future.

This was expressed to Mexican newspaper La Jornada by Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard when responding to a question about the attendance of the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

He said they hope to have an answer before Monday, since the summit meeting scheduled for the city of Los Angeles, California, is to take place from the 6th to the 11th of this month.

It is already an unprecedented event in the history of universal diplomacy and casts great doubt on the seriousness of the meeting and the objectives of a summit that, due to its nature, composition, status and work dynamics, does not require invitation since its 35 members are permanent and they are not governed by one country, the newspaper indicates in a parallel comment to the interview with Ebrard.

In such a way that, if the invitation is given on Monday, as the foreign minister pointed out, there is the unusual fact that the illegal or non-regulatory invitations would be defined the same day the meeting starts, and it has not yet been said whether the inauguration it will be postponed or not, adds the comment of La Jornada.

The newspaper states that the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs insists the participation of President López Obrador will depend on what the Joe Biden government does.

If Biden invites all the countries (of the region), then he will be there, if not, then he has already stated his position. Let’s see what the United States resolves, now the ball is on their court, he pointed out.

He estimated that it will not be long before the decision of the US administration is known, on whether or not there will be excluded countries. I think that by Monday we will know, but Mexico is ready and prepared.

Of course it must be Monday, otherwise it is not known how, when or at what time what is going to happen in Venezuela, Bolivia and other places as a diplomatic monstrosity and an early defeat promoted by its own author, Joe Biden, indicated some Mexican observers who requested anonymity.

In any case, Ebrard revealed to La Jornada that the Mexican delegation that will attend is already integrated, and the documents and proposals to present are well advanced. He repeated that at this point in the game, the issue of invitations is a basic decision of the United States.

What Mexico has said and continues to maintain is that we are very interested in participating, President López Obrador too, but we would not admit or agree to accept the exclusion of any country, he said.

It is not an ideological issue, or if you are in favor of one country or another, but rather that it has never been accepted at summits that a nation, a government, say “not you”, that another country, for example the host, not go who says no country is going to go. That’s the issue, he clarified.
