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name of Prensa Latina
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Cuba decorates French expert for contributing to Covid-19 vaccines (+Photo)

Havana, May 6 (Prensa Latina) French Doctor Francoise Keita was decorated on Thursday with the Carlos J. Finlay Order, granted by the Council of State of Cuba.

The awarding ceremony was held in the premises of the Finlay Vaccines Institute (IFV) and was attended by Science, Technology and Environment Minister Elba Rosa Perez and French Ambassador to Cuba Patrice Paoli.

The scientist’s contributions facilitated the accelerated study of the receptor-binding domain (RBD) at the molecular level, thus contributing to the selection of that protein as an antigen of the Soberana 01, Soberana 02 and Soberana Plus vaccines, developed by the IFV.

In addition, the expert’s contribution to nuclear magnetic resonance at the Molecular Biophysics Center in the city of Orleans was a key element in making progress and producing the Cuban-made vaccines against Haemophilus influenzae type b, and the multivalent vaccine against pneumococcus, which is currently in phase III of clinical trials.

She was involved in other projects such as the development of a conjugated vaccine against Salmonella typhi, which has received several national and international awards.

Dr. Keita said she was very happy and proud of having participated in the development of the Soberana vaccines, and ratified that is a pleasure to work with Cuban scientists.

“This is the most successful project in which I have participated during my scientific career,” she stressed.
