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Iran ratifies Palestinian cause as priority

Tehran, Dec 11 (Prensa Latina) Iran ratified the priority of defending the cause of the Palestinian people, the main problem of the Muslim world, in the face of growing Western support for the occupying Israeli regime.

The head of the Iranian deputies, Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf, urged to continue on the path of resistance before delegates to the XVI Conference of the Parliamentary Union of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, in Istanbul, Turkey.

The Zionist invasion and occupation of Palestine, he said, is a planned attempt, sponsored by arrogant powers, to conquer and destroy any vestige of it, but have failed in their goal because of the epic resistance of the Palestinian people.

“Let us not forget that the question of Palestine is the most important priority of the Muslim world,” he said.

For more than seven decades, the world has witnessed, denounced, the brutal policies and measures of the Zionist regime that violate the human rights and dignity of the Palestinian people.

Qalibaf disapproved of the recent normalization of relations of some Arab states with Tel Aviv.

In his words, the condition for the final victory over Zionism is to break any compromise with the occupiers and assist the Palestinians in their battle to liberate the holy Al Quds (Jerusalem).
