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Foreign Minister welcomes UN resolution on Palestinian rights

Palestine Foreign Minister
Ramallah, Nov 20 (Prensa Latina) Palestinian Foreign Minister, Riyad al Malki, celebrated on Friday a UN resolution that reaffirms the sovereignty of that people over their natural resources while calling on Israel to put an end to looting and exploitation.

The Foreign Minister highlighted in a statement the importance of the initiative approved by the second commission of the United Nations General Assembly.

The motion was supported by 157 votes in favor and seven against (Canada, the United States, Micronesia, Israel, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Palau) and 14 abstentions.

“The resolution reaffirms the rights of the Palestinian people and their sovereignty over their natural wealth, including land, water and energy resources,” stressed al Malki.

He also called on the Tel Aviv government to cease exploitation and damage to natural resources in occupied territories, including East Jerusalem.

In that sense, he urged the international community to force that country to apply the UN norms and guarantee the freedom of the Palestinian people.

The draft text also called on Israel to stop all actions, including those by settlers, that damage the environment in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.
