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Cuban foreign minister rejects accusations by US Secretary of State

United Nations, Sep 24 (Prensa Latina) Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez on Friday rejected accusations from the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on alleged human rights violations in Cuba, with which Washington tries to justify its coercive measures.

On his Twitter account, the foreign minister pointed out that the US official’s allusions have nothing to do with Cuba’s reality, and charged that the US resorts to lies to hide its own problems in that field.

‘The United States cannot justify the inhumane policy against our population and resorts, like Trump and Pompeo, to lies to divert attention from serious violations of human rights that it commits every day in its own territory and in the world,’ Rodriguez tweeted.

In another tweet, he said that the abuse of Haitian migrants on the US border is ‘a repugnant expression of racist contempt against the people of Latin America and the Caribbean,’ and underscored that every individual from any country deserves respect for his or her human dignity.

Washington is not above basic moral principles, the head of Cuban diplomacy emphasized.

On Friday, at the closing session of the United Nations General Assembly, Blinken issued a statement in which he alluded to the demonstrations that took place in Cuba on July 11 and 12, describing them as ‘peaceful’ protests.

The US secretary of State ‘urged’ the Cuban Government to respect people’s human rights and fundamental freedoms, and called on the international community to raise its voice against ‘repression and mass arrests.’

Although the official dismissed the acts of violence and vandalism that took place during those days, he did ratify the support from the US, which Havana accuses of being the instigator and sponsor of the political communication operation that gave rise to the incidents.
