‘The coup authorities acted like the military dictatorships of the Condor Plan, which used terror to silence any movement,’ SEPRET Director Nadeshda Guevara stated.
Nadeshda recalled that the de facto administration made illegal arrests with all sorts of indictments, under the pretext of assuming the citizen ‘as an enemy who opposes the political ideas of the government of the moment.’
Guevara disclosed a SEPRET´s list including 180 people ‘under Istanbul Protocol Assessment to check all psychological and physical consequences of torture.’
According to Guevara, this international resource consists of a series of elements and standards on international human rights that allow to scientifically prove whether these people were tortured.
‘But may be many people do not want to report, precisely because of fear, because of the consequences of tortures, or even because tortures changed their life.’
Victims were indicted for crimes lacking elements to prove existence or execution by alleged perpetrators, who were then subjected to serious torture.