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Nicaragua’s National Assembly rejects European interference in Cuba

Managua, Jun 11 (Prensa Latina) Nicaragua's National Assembly on Friday issued a statement of solidarity with Cuba in rejection of the European Parliament's resolution against the country, a text it described as interference and interventionist.

The approval of this resolution violates Cuba’s right to independence, self-determination, peace and stability, refers the letter from the Nicaraguan legislature to its counterpart in the old continent.

At the same time, the Assembly’s members explained that the aforementioned document seeks to prevent political dialogue and cooperation between Cuba and Europe.

The MEPs who promoted the text dressed themselves in the garb of slavers and plunderers, which should be a thing of the past, the letter added.

The resolution of the European Parliament adds to the long list of aggressions suffered by Cuba, basically the US economic, commercial and financial blockade, which has been in force for over six decades, the message added.

The Nicaraguan legislature reaffirmed the historic ties of friendship and solidarity that unite its people with those of Cuba.

The European Parliament approved on Thursday a resolution by 386 votes in favor, 236 against and 59 abstentions on the alleged lack of progress in human rights and fundamental freedoms in Cuba.

Legislators of the Spanish Popular and Vox parties were the authors of the anti-Cuban initiative.
