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Former President Hollande condemns blockade against Cuba

Paris, Jun 8 (Prensa Latina) Former France's President François Hollande on Tuesday expressed his condemnation of the US economic, commercial and financial blockade against Cuba during a meeting with the country's Deputy Prime Minister Ricardo Cabrisas, who is on a working visit.

In the conversation, the former president (2012-2017) advocated the elimination of that US policy in force for over 60 years and sent a message of friendship to the Cuban people.

Hollande and Cabrisas recalled the visit to Cuba in May 2015 of the 7th president of the 5th Republic, as well as the one made by Army General Raul Castro to France in February 2016, trips that left several cooperation deals, which allowed deepening bilateral political and economic relations.

Cuba’s deputy prime minister acknowledged the personal contribution of the former head of State to the development of Paris-Havana ties.

In a meeting described as cordial by diplomatic sources, Cuban Ambassador Elio Rodriguez and former Secretary of State for Foreign Trade Matthias Fekl also participated.

Cabrisas arrived yesterday in Paris, where he has had an intense agenda, which so far included meetings with Emmanuel Bonne, diplomatic advisor to President Emmanuel Macron, the Minister Delegate for Foreign Trade Franck Riester, and Emmanuel Moulin, director general of the Treasury and president of the Club of Paris.
