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Beaches and parks to be closed in Egypt during Sham El-Nessim

Cairo, May 1(Prensa Latina) Several governorates in Egypt announced the closure of all its parks and beaches during the spring festival Sham El-Nessim, to be held on Monday, May 3.

The measure is aimed at containing the spread of the SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus, which causes Covid-19, while the country is facing the third wave of contagions, with daily figures exceeding 1,000 Covid-19 cases and over 50 deaths. The official communiqués issued by the authorities of Alexandria, Sohag, Damietta and Qalyubia, also include capacity limitations and opening hours for restaurants, cafes and shopping centers, following the guidelines of Egypt’s Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly.

Alexandria Governor Muhammad al-Sharif called on citizens to be cautious for their own safety, reported Youm 7.

Meanwhile, the head of government in Qalyubia, Abdul Hamid Al-Hajjan, insisted on the use of facemasks and warned of legal action against violators.

Sham El-Nessim is one of Egypt’s oldest traditions, dating back to around 2700 B.C.E., marking the beginning of the harvest in the Nile Valley, synonymous with prosperity for its inhabitants.

Although the festival has its origin associated with the god Osiris, Egyptians celebrate it every year regardless of their religious beliefs.

On that day, declared a national holiday, families gather in open places and in direct contact with nature such as gardens, parks and beaches.
