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Conference in Istanbul on Afghanistan to be held in April

Ankara, Apr 14 (Prensa Latina) The conference for the search for peace in Afghanistan will be held from April 24th to upcoming May 4th in Istanbul, announced the Foreign Ministry of Turkey.

For almost two weeks, representatives of the Afghan government and the Taliban movement will attend the event, convened by Turkey, Qatar and the UN, according to the capital’s press.

The Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs explains that the conference on a peace process in Afghanistan aims at promoting and complement the inter-Afghan talks in the city of Doha, in order to seek a ‘fair and firm political solution.’

On its side, the channel 1TV offers other dates by indicating that the forum would be held from next Friday, during 10 days, while the Tolo News TV channel speculates that the Taliban representation could not attend the meeting.

The conference on Afghanistan – a country attacked by the United States in 2001 – was announced in March by Turkey’s Foreign Minister Mavlut Cavusoglu, according to the press in this city.
