The scientist told Russia 1 channel that if the ‘Light option’ is used, Sputnik V vaccine’s first component, without the second dose, ‘it is possible to reduce the disease by 50 percent, or even 60 percent,’ he said.
On March 29, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation registered the Sputnik Light drug against Covid-19 and, previously, on Feb.27, started immunization of those who took part in the study of the vaccine in Moscow.
Earlier, Gintsburg had declared that this vaccine will allow for the reduction of serious and fatal cases caused by the disease, but in no way we can say that it will replace Sputnik V.
The head of the team that produced Sputnik Light explained that the drug protects people during four to five months and aims at eliminating Sputnik V’s main problem: the presence of two components administered to a patient with a time span of 21 days.