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Maduro highlights strength of relations with China

Caracas, Jun 28 (Prensa Latina) President Nicolás Maduro assured that diplomatic relations between China and Venezuela are increasingly strengthened, in sisterhood and fraternity, on 50th anniversary of bilateral ties.

“It is a sincere alliance for the construction of a new world of Peace and more humane,” the head of State posted on X.

Maduro said that on this day “we celebrate with great happiness 50 years of a friendship that is unbreakable, foolproof and at all times.”

The head of State sent “a big hug to my big brother President Xi Jinping and to all the Chinese people.” China and Venezuela will always be united, he stressed.

In an audiovisual that accompanies the message, Commander Hugo Chavez (1954-2013) said to the “comrades of China, that here we have raised the flags of socialism.”

I take advantage of this wonderful circumstance to stress the great importance of our sovereign policy, he affirmed.

The Bolivarian leader noted that the relations between China and Venezuela proved “it is not necessary to run over other peoples to be a world power.”

He stressed that Beijing and Caracas feel “as brothers, as equals, complementing each other, mutually learning from each other,” and assured that both nations will “always walk as true sisters.”

Maduro said on the video he appreciated “very much the friendship we have cultivated in 50 years of China-Venezuela relations.”We are entering the fifth stage, which will be the expansion of the economy, health and development of tourism beneficial to the people, he asserted.

The Bolivarian president highlighted that China is an example in the world of how it has achieved a sustainable development that impacts the entire world.

“China has already become a superpower of peace,” he stressed, and sent greetings to the Chinese people.

The leaders exchanged messages on Friday, on the occasion of the commemoration, in which they ratified the solid ties of union and sisterhood expressed in the all-weather comprehensive strategic alliance promoted by President Xi Jinping last year.

Diplomatic relations between the two countries were established on June 28, 1974 and up to date they have signed over 600 cooperation agreements in various sectors of the economy, science, health, education, mining, aerospace, among others.
